Wildlife Tracking
Training and Certifications
all around North America


Colorado Rocky Mountains

Wildlife Tracking
Training and Certification

August 3&4, 2024 (wait list)
August 6&7, 2024 (wait list)

August 10-11, 2024

Wildlife Track & Sign Training

Whether you’re a member of a Search & Rescue team, a biologist, educator, hunter, naturalist, outdoorsman or simply a person who is curious about the natural world, you’ll find these trainings to be eye-opening. 

If you’re not familiar with the international organizations of Cybertracker or Tracking Certification North America (TCNA ) certifications and evaluations, we urge you to peruse this link to gain an understanding of the depth and value of this type of track and sign training.  Visit TCNA   and you will understand why the sponsors are organizing this weekend to further their skills in state-of-the-art track and sign training available no where else in the world.  

Visit the TCNA CALENDER to see events scheduled across North America:  https://trackercertification.com/calendar/

Small Class Size Maximizes Learning

Limited to only eleven participants, we’ve contracted with the best Track and Sign Training Organization in the world: Tracker Certification North America (TCNA)  to bring in one of their most senior tracking instructors for two full days of training.  Matt Nelson is a highly experienced Track and Sign Specialist and a gentle, wonderful teacher and mentor with a special gift of showing you how to “see” the invisible.


This two-full-day field experience will immerse you in the art and skill of reading the hidden stories of animals by examining the clues they leave across the landscape.   You’ll discover how see and interpret animal behavior that was previously “invisible” to you.

training TCNA instructor matt nelson points out key features of a track

Discover How To See, Intrepret and Understand The Obscure

If you would like to improve your skills or recognizing and interpreting wild animal sign that is invisible to “normal people”, we invite you to participate in the first Tracking Certification North America  Wildlife Track and Sign workshop in the Colorado Rocky Mountains. 

The TCNA  training is designed to equip you with a set of reliable field skills to identify obscure track and sign left behind by mountain dwelling animals.  At the end of the weekend you will be able to unlock the mysteries of wild animal behavior by reading their marks on the landscape – sign that was previously invisible to you.  In other words, at the end of this weekend, you’ll be able to interpret animal sign and behavior that – to other people – are nothing more than obscure marks on the landscape. 

Who Is The Training Is For?

Whether you’re a member of a Search & Rescue team, a biologist, educator, hunter, naturalist, outdoorsman or simply a person who is curious about the natural world, you’ll find this training to be eye-opening.  No prior training is required to participate. In fact, the less you know, the more you will learn.  The value of this training lies in the deep awareness all participants gain of animal sign and behavior.

If you’re not familiar with the international organizations of Cybertracker or Tracking Certification North America (TCNA ) certifications and evaluations, we urge you to peruse this link to gain an understanding of the depth and value of this type of track and sign training.  Visit TCNA   and you will understand why the sponsors are organizing this weekend to further their skills in state-of-the-art track and sign training available no where else in the world.  

The Sessions

The majestic Rocky Mountains are our classroom.  The training will take place in several outdoor locations in the beautiful Grand Mesa area of the Rocky Mountains. Along with Grand Mesa being a drop-dead gorgeous national treasure, we’ll be smack dab in the middle of a habitat that numerous majestic mountain animals love to call home.

The Rocky Mountains are rich with wildlife providing us with plenty of learning opportunities.  Species track and sign we may encounter include black bear, elk, mountain lion, river otter, moose, bighorn sheep, mink, marten, coyote, weasel, red fox, bobcat, muskrat, gray fox, beaver, pika, tree squirrel, ground squirrel, marmot, mice, lizards, snakes, and even insects!   
The training will focus on equipping you with the skills to identify the sign and understand the behavior of wildlife, natural forces, humans, and domestic animals when encountered because an important tracking skill is to be able to differentiate between signs make by natural causes vs that made by humans vs domestic animals vs wildlife. 

If you would like to have the skill to be able to see and interpret wild animal sign that is invisible to “normal people”, we invite you to participate in the first Tracking Certification North America  Wildlife Track and Sign workshop in the Colorado Rocky Mountains.

elk on trail grand mesa colorado track and sign training certification cybetrackerElk
moose roam the rocky mountains grand mesa colorado
training TCNA instructor matt nelson points out key features of a track

Our Classroom Is The Outdoors

The entire weekend consists of in-the-field training.  Our classroom is the outdoors.  Our teachers are the animals themselves.  Our instructor will locate animal track and sign and ask us what we think made the sign.  We are then shown a different way to “see” the sign and learn how to interpret it.  This simple question and answer process is repeated with different animal sign over and over throughout the weekend, enabling you to absorb the secrets of wildlife sign interpretation.  The learning retention is deep and unparalleled.  

Gain Wildlife Awareness

The Tracker Training and Certification Process  emphasize the development of reliable field skills. Every participant walks away with deeper levels of awareness and new “search images” for the subtle patterns left behind by wildlife as they travel across the landscape. 

In summary, the goal of the experience is to accelerate your wildlife awareness and enable you to see and interpret the obscure and subtle clues left by animals on the landscape. 

Elk tracking training Grand Mesa Colorado Rocky Mountains
Elk tracking training Grand Mesa Colorado Rocky Mountains

Acquire New Skill-Sets

In this course, you will gain the skill-sets to explore and interpret the vast and exciting world of wildlife track, sign and behavior.  Topics will include:

Learn to “Read” The Landscape

The course will follow the curiosity of the participants as well as the animal tracks and trails encountered along the way. Whether you are an experienced tracker or a beginner, you will learn to look at the landscape in a new way – able to read stories left behind by the wildlife all around us.

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