(L) Molly examining a shell on a desert track and sign survey.  (R) Molly and her mom, Carol Black, following a TCNA training.

Molly’s home base is in New Castle, Colorado where she and her partner, Jim, spend summers gardening intensively, maintain a home orchard, and keep pastured laying hens. She hikes weekly in the White River National Forest tracking wildlife, mushroom foraging,and mountain lake fishing.

She splits her winters between kiteboarding in Baja, Mexico and tracking in the desert of eastern San Diego County.

Professionally, Molly led the Human Resource function for software, hardware, and banking companies like Jive, GoPro and Umpqua Bank.

Molly Theda and Terry Hunefeld have both participated in multiple TCNA Track and Sign Trainings and Certifications and are passionate about learning to identify and interpret behavior in wild animal tracks and sign throughout North America.  Terry has taken these trainings all over the United States from Florida to Washington State and many points in between.  Both Molly and Terry love Colorado – in fact Molly spends her summers there.  The best way to learn track and sign of the animals in any given habitat is to participate in a TCNA Track and Sign Training and Certification, so, together, they decided to sponsor one.  And you’re invited!  

Molly Theda

Terry Hunefeld

                     (L) Terry studies a coyote scrape.                                            (R) Terry leading a tracking outing in the Anza Borrego Desert.

Terry is an award-winning volunteer Naturalist for California State Parks, Member of the Anza-Borrego Tracking Team, Member of the Board of Directors of the San Diego Tracking Team.  Terry is a former Regional eBird reviewer for the low desert of San Diego County, a former Moderator for San Diego Field Ornithologists birding listserv, and a former fire lookout volunteer at Palomar Mountain Highpoint Fire Lookout Tower.

Terry is a retired CEO of U.S. Home and Realty Corp, Real Estate Marketing Group, and By Referral Only, Inc, a 200-employee training company in San Diego.  He and his wife Ann live in the tiny desert town of Borrego Spring (pop 5000) in eastern San Diego County, surrounded by a thousand square miles of desert wilderness known as the Anza Borrego Desert State Park – the largest state park in the United States. Terry loves being outdoors birding and tracking wild animals in the desert and the surrounding mountains.

Molly (back row second from right next to her mom, Carol Black at far right) and Terry (front row, far right) upon completion of the Easter, 2023 San Diego Track and Sign Training.

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